
Sponsorship Wanted

We are very fortunate (Alhamdulillah) that we are living in a society where the basic needs such as food, clothes, accommodation and medical care are provided by the state if needed. However, the society we have left behind is not fortunate enough to have such facilities in place. Our local people we have left behind in our native area are either our family members, relatives, friends or neighbours and we should take care of them.

To give our local people a bit of comfort, a little help to ease their hardship, some care what they never have as we do have here and some extra support for children to change their lives into betterment. NEWS UK has adopted some projects to materialise these objectives. These projects will be run and managed by NEWS UK’s funds we raised by annual donation of £100 by members and additional contributions by well off members to finance the projects. However we are looking for sponsors for some projects.

If any generous noble person wishes to sponsor please contact us, The sponsorships required in the following area. Please make your actions speak when you won’t be here in this world and you will be rewarded for this in the hereafter.

Project 1: Sponsoring very poor school children (Class VI – X) in NoyaBondor High School and Chora Madrassa. We need sponsorship for 20 children in Noyabondor High School and in ChoraMadrassah. Each sponsor will support one child for one year with Tk 2000 each month to ease the financial pressure of the child’s parents. Sponsor is requested to pay the yearly payment in advance before we put his name in the sponsorship list back to school or madrassa.

Project 2: We have started medical care service for our local people. We hire qualified doctors twice a week at the moment which cost Tk 5000. Anybody can sponsor this service for one week or more. Sponsors name be declared in every occasion on our website.

Project 3: Public Library: We have opened a library for our local people, so that they can go there to read books, magazines and newspapers. Anybody can donate money to buy books or stationary, etc. The donors’ name will be printed on anything donated.

Project 4: We are holding a competition among school children (Class IX and X) on ‘debate’ essaywriting or speech giving. We will give them a cash prize with award certificate for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the competition. Each subject will need a fund of Tk30, 000. You can sponsor any of the competitions and your name will be on the website as a sponsor and will be declared locally.

If you are kind enough to become a sponsor to any of the projects stated above, please contact MOBAROK on 07984833286 or via email: Mobarok.ali@hotmail.co.uk.

The names of every sponsor will be published on our website noyabondor.com


বিশেষ আবেদন: NEWS UK কর্তৃক পরিচালিত চিকিৎসা সেবা খুবই জনপ্রিয়তা লাভ করেছে | প্রতি সপ্তাহে ৬০ থেকে ৭০ জন সর্বস্তরের রোগী এই সেবা গ্রহন করতেছেন | এই জনকল্যানমূলক কর্য্যক্রম চালাতে আমাদের প্রতি মাসে ২০ হাজার টাকা খরচ হয় | কোনো হৃদয়বান ব্যক্তি এক বা একাধিক মাসের জন্য এই সেবা কার্য্যক্রমকে স্পন্সর(টাকা দিয়ে সাহায্য )করতে অনুরোধ করা যাচ্ছে | বি.দ্র. সেবা চলাকালীন দাতার নাম ও পরিচয়সহ ব্যনার সেবাকেন্দ্রে লটকানো থাকবে এবং ওয়েবসাইটের SPONSOR LISTএ দাতার নাম প্রকাশ করা হবে |

List Of Sponsor:

Those who have paid Tk. 20,000 for monthly running costs of our service center at Noyabondor:

  1. For October 2014 – Mr Mobarok Ali
  2. For November 2014 – Mr Mizanur Rahman Ablus
  3. For December 2014 – Mr Surab Ali
  4. For January 2015 – Mr Abdal Miah
  5. For February 2015 – Mr Ansar Miah
  6. For March 2015 – Me Abdul Malik
  7. For April, May & June 2015 – Mr Abdul Korim
  8. For July 2015 – Mr Abul Hussain
  9. For August 2015- Mr Sheikh Gias Miah Nanu
  10. For September 2015 – Mr Sheikh Gulab Miah
  11. For October 2015 – Mr Redwan Khan