About us

NEWS UK stands for NoyaBondor Education and Welfare Society United Kingdom. This is a voluntary organisation established in Sept. 1996 by the people of the villages of Noyabondor area living in the UK. The villages are: Tajpur, Johirpur, Hori pur, Asharkhandi, ShonkoPur, HolimPur, Chora, Tilok and KorimPur.

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আসসালামু আলাইকুম। ১৯৯৬ ইং হতে অদ্যাবধি নিউজ ইউকের সাথে থাকার জন্য এবং আর্থিক অনুদানের জন্য আমরা ধন্য। আমরা বিশ্বাস করি যে সকলের সহযোগিতা পেলে এই সমিতিকে শ্রেষ্ঠ মানব সভায় পরিণত করা যাবে। নীচের বিষয়গুলির প্রতি আপনার সদয় মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ করতেছি।

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Any noble person (male or female) of Noya Bondor area living in the UK over the age of 18 year and who is willing to make a donation of £100 every year for good cause is eligible to become a member of the NEWS UK.


Sponsorship Wanted

We are very fortunate (Alhamdulillah) that we are living in a society where the basic needs such as food, clothes, accommodation and medical care are provided by the state if needed. However, the society we have left behind is not fortunate enough to have such facilities in place. Our local people we have left behind in our native area are either our family members, relatives, friends or neighbours and we should take care of them.

Advance Notice

Re: Five yearly meeting

All honourable members of the NEWS UK are hereby notified that our five yearly meeting will be held in March / April 2015. That will be a very important meeting in which a thorough plan will be drawn for five years and a new executive committee will be formed to execute the plans.
Anyone interested to join the executive committee is requested to inform the present committee of his interest to work in the committee.